3 Reasons For Not Choosing Abortion

Managing family relationships to raise your kids right might seem like a daunting task, but with a little guidance you can handle anything.

3 Reasons For Not Choosing Abortion

13 March 2020
 Categories: Relationships & Family, Blog

If you are a teenager and have recently found out you're pregnant, you are probably feeling scared and alone. You might also be feeling pressure from others to end the pregnancy. You might think an abortion is your only option. If you don't have an abortion, you think you won't be able to finish school. Maybe you don't think you will have enough support from family and friends. While you do have to consider these things, you also have to consider the fact that there are abortion alternatives. One such alternative is adoption.

If you are leaning toward ending the pregnancy, here are three reasons for not choosing abortion.

1. There Are Risks Involved

Abortion is touted as a safe procedure. However, like any procedure, there is the possibility of complications. Some of these complications include the following:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Infection
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Damage to internal organs

When women get an abortion, it increases the risk of their future babies being born preterm. Besides risks to their physical health, some women suffer psychologically after an abortion. Women can have feelings of guilt and depression after an abortion. Some women even have suicidal thoughts and may start abusing alcohol or drugs.

2. You Could End Up Regretting It

In today's world where women seek equality and are encouraged to become more empowered, abortions are sometimes celebrated. While some women may feel relief years after having an abortion, others feel regret.

Women who become mothers later in life might wonder what their lives would be like had they kept their baby. They might regret that their children do not have another sibling. When they struggle with regret, they may end up making poor choices and struggling with chronic feelings of sadness and shame.

3. You Might Be Too Late

Many states have abortion restrictions in place. Under these restrictions, women are not able to have abortions at just any time during the pregnancy. The age of viability for a baby is about 24 weeks of gestation. This means that babies who are born at 24 weeks can still survive outside the womb.

This is why in many states, a legal abortion must be performed before 24 weeks. If you live in one of these states but your unborn baby is older, you may have a more difficult time finding an abortion provider who can perform the abortion legally.

To learn more, contact a health provider about abortion alternatives.

About Me
Looking After Your Children

When I first had kids, I thought it was more about looking like you knew what you were doing than actually knowing how to do it. I tried my best, but it always seemed like things weren't going my way. My babies had a hard time sleeping, my toddler was always making messes, and my school-age children had trouble following directions in class. To make things right, I hired a family counselor to come in and work with us to streamline our day to day ritual. I learned a lot about family relationships from her, and I can honestly say that she made a big difference for us. Check out this blog for more information.
