5 Common Mistakes You Don't Want to Make When Planning a Funeral

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5 Common Mistakes You Don't Want to Make When Planning a Funeral

19 May 2021
 Categories: Relationships & Family, Blog

Planning a funeral is not something anyone wants to do, but it is a necessary task. Although it can be very stressful when you are grieving over the loss of a loved one, you can't delay the inevitable. Here are several common mistakes to avoid when planning a family member's funeral.

Waiting Too Long to Start Planning

Not many people like to bring up the subject of death, so they do not make funeral arrangements until their loved one has died or is very ill. This is a big mistake. You do not want the added stress of making funeral arrangements when you are grieving. That is why you should ask your family member about his or her final wishes long beforehand.

Not Asking Enough Questions 

When it comes to planning a funeral, there is no such thing as asking too many questions. Instead of just assuming everything will work out, ask the funeral director questions. For example, you may want to ask what services are handled in-house and if you can customize the funeral service. You may also want to find out about payment options.

Failing to Create a Budget

It is no secret that funeral services can get expensive. That is why you should create a budget early on and stick to it. Do not feel pressured to purchase more expensive services if you can't afford them.

Skipping the Obituary in the Newspaper

An obituary is an announcement in a newspaper that announces a person's death. Since it costs a fee to put an obituary in a newspaper, some people skip it altogether. Don't do this. You want everyone to know that your family member passed away and that you are having a funeral.

Not Planning a Reception

It is common practice to host a reception after the viewing and burial. This allows family members and friends of the deceased to get together and talk about good memories. As you can probably imagine, this can provide comfort for people during a difficult time. That is why you should not skip a reception to save time and money. Take the time to organize a reception for your loved one's closest family and friends.

If you avoid making these common mistakes, you can arrange a nice funeral for your loved one. If you have additional questions about funeral services, you should not hesitate to contact a reputable funeral director as soon as possible. 

About Me
Looking After Your Children

When I first had kids, I thought it was more about looking like you knew what you were doing than actually knowing how to do it. I tried my best, but it always seemed like things weren't going my way. My babies had a hard time sleeping, my toddler was always making messes, and my school-age children had trouble following directions in class. To make things right, I hired a family counselor to come in and work with us to streamline our day to day ritual. I learned a lot about family relationships from her, and I can honestly say that she made a big difference for us. Check out this blog for more information.
